S.I.S. Manifesto


think like a Serpent. Move by Instinct. Unite by Synergy.

S.I.S. is an anarchist union – an open group of women and woman-like beings. 

S.I.S. women are young, old, yellow, blue, pink, green. Friends, enemies, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, mothers-in-law, witches, sisters. 

S.I.S. line has no beginning and no end. 

S.I.S. line is mischievous, cutting, fragile. 

S.I.S. line is alive. 

S.I.S. is a choice. 

S.I.S.S.S. is a vital artery. 

S.I.S.S.S. is a snake.

S.I.S.S.S. is a spell, a performance and a revolution.

 S.I.S.S.S. sssskinning S.I.S.S.S. women are from all corners of the world and speak different languages, but they all hiss. Sssssssssssss.